

Throughout the Prep School, the ‘Joy of Learning’ is evident in the happy and engaged children you will find here. In our warm, vibrant and exciting learning environment, pupils’ ideas are heard and encouraged, creative talents are discovered and nurtured, academic skills and knowledge are integrated and implemented, and individual strengths and passions are celebrated.

This ‘Joy of Learning’ is enhanced and facilitated by a team of dynamic, dedicated and passionate teachers who are committed to implementing our learning programme and curriculum in a creative, inspiring and relevant manner. Learning is often discovery-based and experiential, making use of our beautiful Garden Route surroundings.

In the younger grades we focus on cross-curricular thematic teaching, learning style identification, critical thinking skills and a multisensory approach, ensuring that our children experience confidence, success, support and joy in these vital early years of their learning journey.

Higher-level thinking is stimulated in the older grades, where teachers follow a child-centred approach in classrooms, recognizing individual needs while encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their learning. Academic support is offered in class during lessons but also on a tutorial basis, in support classes after school or on a one-on-one basis with a specialist.

As a school, we benchmark ourselves nationally and internationally with pupils in Grade 3 and Grade 6 writing the IEB Core Skills Tests and the IEB International Benchmarking Tests (ACER). Year on year Oakhill is proud to state that our pupils have scored well above both the national and international averages.

Oakhill embraces the framework of the National Curriculum Statement and the ISASA Early Childhood Development Curriculum as the basis of our integrated, holistic Foundation Phase learning programme. The focus is on active learning and participation. Children learn best when they are actively involved in doing, thinking and discovering rather than passively receiving information. The Foundation Phase provides a lively introduction to the basics, where small classes ensure that each child’s progress is individually monitored.

Building firm foundations in the 3Rs:
  • Writing – literacy is encouraged through the implementation of the child-centered THRASS Phonic Methodology and Philosophy. (THRASS – Teaching Handwriting, Reading and Spelling Skills)
  • Reading – individualised, integrated reading programme which incorporates a variety of reading schemes.
    Arithmetic – facilitated through the Singapore Maths system which teaches
  • fundamental computation and number manipulation skills as well as routine and non-routine problem-solving in a structured, sequential and developmental manner with a successful learning spiral. This focused system highlights the use of concrete apparatus and active learning during lessons in order to create positive momentum for the learning of Maths.
The curriculum for Grades 4-7 covers the following learning areas:
  • English First Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • Mathematics (Singapore Maths)
  • Natural Science and Technology
  • Social Sciences
  • Educational Technology
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Life Orientation
  • Physical Education
  • Economic Management Sciences (Grade 7 only)

The core curriculum follows the prescribed syllabi of the Western Cape Education Department, through a 2-week (Week A and Week B) timetable with 40 minute lessons to maximize teaching and learning and improve concentration, productivity and time management. Educational technology, using the Google Suite and Chromebooks, is integrated into lessons with the emphasis on content creation, collaboration and digital citizenship. Collaboration takes place across grades, with various innovative and effective teaching methods used to make learning exciting.

At the end of each year, significant achievements are celebrated at our annual IP Celebration. In addition to specific trophies and merit certificates, other academic accolades are awarded. The criteria for these awards are outlined in our Oakhill Prep School Honours and Colours Criteria.



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