Oakhill News
Business Studies Interview Session

Business Studies Interview Session

On the 31st August, Yvette Meyer from “Garden Route Personnel and Executive Recruitment” came to Oakhill to interview the grade 10 Business Studies students.
All students were required to dress smartly, compile a CV and find a job they would like to apply for, prior to the interview. We learnt about conducting interviews and the do’s and don’ts of the process. It was a most beneficial experience for us all.

I think that the experience has definitely benefitted us for future interviews and the business world. It was such an interesting exercise and a new and creative way of learning. It has had a positive impact on us.

We would like to thank Yvette Meyer for taking the time to come out and share this valuable experience with us, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Some comments from the other Grade 10 Business Studies students:

  • Godwin Thobi: “The interview was relaxed and a very good learning curve. She said that she would hook me up with some producers.”
  • Brandon Willcocks: “ Yvette had a lot of information about cooking and she was a great help in finding locations. It made me feel more comfortable. The experience from this one meeting was astounding.”
  • Mazi Myo: “The interview was chilled, even though I went in there nervous. The experience will make me more prepared for any interview in the future.”
  • Tessa Collins: “The interview was a very useful experience for job applications in the future. It will give me an advantage now that I know how to act in an interview. She was very knowledgeable about our topics, even unexpected topics like soccer. Yvette answered all my questions. We should do something like this again.”
  • Jessica Ghantshi: “The interview was a great experience which gave us an idea of what we will have to go through in an interview. She was a very experienced woman and personally she gave me suggestions of what jobs to do that will lead to the career path I want.”
  • Danny Pfeiffer: “The interview was interesting, and I was impressed with the amount she knew about my chosen career.”
  • Jenna-May Kaschula: “The interview experience really helped me understand what is needed from me and what I should expect in the future. It really was an amazing experience.”

Reporter: Robyn Seager

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